
Friday 17th February 2023

This week Year 2 have been planning, doing and reviewing an investigation in their science lesson. They were asked the question, ‘How can you change the shape of a material?’ They had great fun finding out.

The children have been learning about Islam this week. They have leaned that Muslims pray five times a day and have a special prayer ritual they follow.

In geography, the children have been learning about life in Alaska and the Sahara desert and how plants and animals must adapt to survive.

It was the final drumming session this week. Mrs Wynne commented on how well the children have done in each session and that they all made super progress.

The children really enjoyed their art lesson this week. They were asked to create a concertina book for a book character. They did a super job following instructions and making their book. They then had to create a story for their character. I hope they enjoy sharing their books with you at home.

Have a wonderful half term holiday everyone and I will see you all on 27th February.